Due to all of the latest technologies that have been released in the business world today, large corporations and small...
Gives callers a single number to reach you regardless of whether they call you at the office, cell, home office, cottage, etc.
Never miss an important call, deadline or commitment due to missing information. Incoming voicemails are transformed into audible .Wav files and deposited in your email box for later listening.
When you are listening to a voicemail message, with Kooltel, you Call someone right back with the touch of a pre-designated button saving you the bother of entering their phone or speed dial number.
Pre-recorded, time-of-day voicemail messages protect your lunch hour, paperwork time, or meetings from interruptions.
Services flags are very effective for determining when to play different greetings and /or messages depending upon being open/closed holidays or time to day
Send-receive faxes from your computer and store as a PDF or email: No toner, paper, or a fax machine required.
Several phones sets linked together in a group (Customer Service, for example) are assigned a lead phone number or toll free 800 number so that only those for whom the call was intended need to answer it.
Voicemail for a phone number can be redirected to another number at a specific time and-or day-time. No longer will important calls be overlooked or be left in voicemail boxes. Your customers, overall service and reputation benefit.
Accurate call activity on ‘a’ phone, group or all phones. You can track usage, performance, peak times for proper coverage, and so on.
Pre-recorded messages direct callers on how to inquire into their account, check on their order or the progress of their service ticket via automated voice prompts.
In place of receptionist, incoming calls sent through a menu of choices (“For sales, press 1, for service, press 2, etc.). Or dial “0” to reach a live person. A built-in directory allows callers to dial by name.
A call can be put ‘on hold’ allowing anyone in the office to dial that extension and pick it up.
Record any phone conversation or conference call from your phone.
Ignore all incoming calls by keeping the ringer on “Mute.”
Listen in on others’ calls to offer tips to employees that your customer can’t hear. Suitable for employee training or Inside Sales.
Protects caller’s identity and recipient’s privacy-credibility.
Direct point-to-point connection to another phone number for immediate access.
Each phone or group of them (for a department) can be assigned its own ring tone, meaning you’ll never have to pick up someone else’s call. Over 8,000 to ring tones to choose from.
300 entries, each with space enough for 3 phone numbers. To help you find the right one, there’s a search and import function. To transport a single phone number or group of them to your cell phone, an export function is also built-in.
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Due to all of the latest technologies that have been released in the business world today, large corporations and small...
Due to all of the latest technologies that have been released in the business world today, large corporations and small...
Empower your business with reliable and scalable VoIP phone systems in Barrie. Our advanced solutions offer crystal-clear audio, seamless connectivity,…
Due to all of the latest technologies that have been released in the business world today, large corporations and small...
Due to all of the latest technologies that have been released in the business world today, large corporations and small...
Empower your business with reliable and scalable VoIP phone systems in Barrie. Our advanced solutions offer crystal-clear audio, seamless connectivity,…
Due to all of the latest technologies that have been released in the business world today, large corporations and small...
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